Same day local deliveries must meet the minimum order of $15.00, be within 40 miles of our store, and be placed by 10am, 2024 same day local deliveries are limited to Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Any order placed after 10am will be delivered the next day. All same day local deliveries will be completed by 1pm with rare exceptions. Campground and marina deliveries need to specify site/dock number in the ship to box. Local registered customers can also take advantage of same deliveries using the same criteria. Web order are processed 7 days a week. We have a flat shipping rate of $5.99 and free shipping on purchases over $50.00, some shipping surcharges apply.
Products that show In-store availability can be picked up anytime during retail hours or will usually ship within 24 hours of ordering. Firearms and ammunition are on a 3-5 business day delay due to the increase of fraudulent purchases. All ammunition requires an adult 21 or older to sign for delivery.
Products that only show Distribution Center availability will process immediately but are subject to delays, transfers from the distribution centers can take up to 7 business days.
We have a brand new shipping center that came online July 2022, along with new shipping software to get orders out as quickly as possible.
Firearms/Accessories Orders
All firearms/accessories orders must comply with all local laws and regulations. It is the customer's responsibility to understand and comply with all local restrictions. Any order that violates such laws will be charged a $5.00 processing fee and the order will be cancelled with a refund, minus the processing fee.
Different Billing and Shipping Locations
Due to the high level of fraudulent purchases, only firearms will ship to a FFL location different from billing address. Customers that wish to make a purchase from their billing address and want the order shipped to another address must contact the store before placing the order. Orders will not ship to different billing/shipping addresses in different states unless verbal permission is given from a TAAP Outdoors representative.
Returns will only be accepted for merchandise found defective immediately upon receipt. TAAP Outdoors will provide YOUR CHOICE of a replacement item (pending availability) or full refund on all non-firearm products found defective upon receipt. TAAP Outdoors will not claim any responsibility for items damaged in shipping. For items damaged in shipping, Users need to file a claim with the carrier. If you receive a defective item, please immediately call the shop at 440-965-1028 to request a return label.
Please take your time to inspect all firearms thoroughly BEFORE proceeding with the transfer. Once a new firearm is transferred to you it is considered used, even if unfired. Consequently, we cannot provide a full refund for new firearms once they have been transferred into your possession. Also, we DO NOT reimburse FFL transfer fees on returned items. We do understand that some manufacturer defects may not be identifiable upon initial inspection. However, upon discovering a defect AFTER the transfer, the firearm MUST be returned directly to the manufacturer for replacement or repair (in accordance with manufacturer’s warranty policy). By sending a defective firearm directly to the manufacturer, you can avoid the unnecessary transfer fees of returning the firearm to us through your local FFL dealer. PLEASE DO NOT SEND DEFECTIVE FIREARMS DIRECTLY TO TAAP Outdoors. Manufacturer repaired firearms can be returned directly to the customer without additional FFL transfer or associated fees. However, if the manufacturer chooses to replace the firearm, the replacement firearm must transfer through your local FFL dealer to document the replacement firearm serial number.